Growing Ute: Preserving the Language and Culture

The book titled Growing Ute: Preserving the Language and Culture is an award-winning photo essay of the modern Ute Mountain Ute Tribe of Colorado. This book documents the language of the Tribe.

Growing Ute: Preserving the Language and Culture was conceived in collaboration with Juanita PlentyHoles and Encarnita Rivera and features exquisite photography by Anthony Two Moons. Currently there are less than 20 elder Ute speakers and therefore this project is of great urgency. The book features youth and elders who documented over 10,000 Ute words for an online dictionary. It is also available as an app on Google Play and the Apple Store

In 2022, the Growing Ute: Preserving the Language and Culture book won 1 silver and 4 gold Anthem Awards in the category of Arts, Education and Culture. Brought to you by The Webby Awards, The Anthem Awards honors the purpose & mission-driven work of people, companies, and organizations worldwide.


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